Greetings Famlee!!
Fall is Here and We are so excited to share with you all of the wonderful things that have been going on with I Am My Sister! We look forward to sharing so many more updates with you and seeing you at our upcoming events! So get your calendars and smart phones ready to Save these Dates!
Join us this Saturday for our launch of Second Saturday's! Wanna Dance, Read/Listen to Poetry, Get a Massage and Grab a Fish Plate in one place? Well Second Saturday's is the place for you! So Meet us There! This Saturday, October 14th! 9 pm-2 am! 1683 N. Claiborne Ave, Tombar Life Center. $5 donation!
With 2018 quickly approaching, We want you to be well in the Mix of this Upcoming Year! I Am My Sister's theme for our 2018 year is "Intimacy" and What a Spring Series do We have lined Up for You! Every 3rd Saturday!
January 20th - 10am - 12pm - Meditation & Feet Washing
February 17th - 10am - 12pm - Womb Healing/Care & Kemetic Yoga
March 17th 10am -12pm - Herbs for Women and Mental Health
More dates to Come!